Nicholas Sparks’ Chicken Salad Recipe Is Stirring Up Controversy Online

Nicholas Sparks is popular again, but it’s not because of his writing this time. Sparks is known for writing heartbreaking books like “The Notebook” and “A Walk to Remember.” In a recent interview with the New York Times, he shared a unique and controversial chicken salad recipe that quickly went viral.

Sparks is known for writing stories that make people cry, but the unexpected twist in this chicken salad has fans both interested and confused.

A chicken salad with a weird ingredient

Sparks discussed the fixings for his chicken salad recipe during his conversation. Like many other chicken salad recipes, this starts with basic ingredients like celery, Vidalia onion, and skinless roasted chicken.

The sauce, on the other hand, is a surprise. It has mayonnaise, dill pickle relish, jalapeño relish, apple cider vinegar, and spices like salt, pepper, and red pepper.

But what made people look twice was the 16 packets of Splenda that were added.

People on the Internet talk about Splenda in chicken salad

People have different opinions about adding Splenda, a fake sweetener with no calories often used instead of sugar. Many recipes call for a taste of sweetness, usually achieved with grapes or sweet pickle relish.

However, using 16 packs of Splenda, which is about 2/3 cup, is, to say the least, unusual. Most chicken salad recipes don’t have this much fake sweetness; many people thought this was too much.

In the interview, Sparks clarified that he chose Splenda over sugar because he is on a low-carb diet. However, some people on social media have called his decision to use so much of it “cursed.” As more people talked about Sparks’ chicken salad recipe, it became clear that not everyone would like it.

How did the Splenda addition come about?

It’s not unheard of for chicken salad to have sweet flavors. Many recipes have a little sugar or something sweet, like Miracle Whip, fruit, or sweet sauce. On the other hand, adding 2/3 cup of Splenda changes the game and causes some doubt and misunderstanding.

Sparks said that using Splenda shows that he follows a low-carb diet. He asked, “You can use real sugar, but why add sugar when you can use Splenda?” His thinking makes sense for people who are watching their carb intake, but the extra sweetener has been a problem for people who like the taste of traditional chicken salad.

People on Twitter Talk About Sparks’ Chicken Salad

When the recipe was mentioned on the famous show Who? Weekly, it got even more attention. The show’s makers even did a taste test and posted about it on Instagram. What did they say? The Splenda taste wasn’t too strong, but the salad tasted better without it.

Even though the reviews have been mixed, Sparks’ recipe is getting a lot of attention, and some people have even tried it themselves. Some people think the dish is weird, but others like how the flavors work together.

Do you want to try it?

Nicholas Sparks’ chicken salad recipe might be worth trying if you like to try new things or keep your meals low-carb. It’s interesting that jalapeño relish and pickle relish could add tangy sharpness to the creamy mayonnaise base. People who like stronger tastes might even like the jalapeños’ spicy kick.

If you don’t want to use so much Splenda in a spicy dish, though, you might want to cut back or skip it altogether. After all, many people who like chicken salad like it with a bit of sweetness from natural sources like honey or grapes, which can give it a more classic taste without the added sugar.

Final Thoughts

People may know Nicholas Sparks for writing books that make people cry, but he’s getting attention for his chicken salad right now. Any way you look at it, Sparks’ dish has made quite a stir, whether you like it or not.

If you’re brave and want to try it, why not? Don’t forget to bring lots of tissues, because you never know if you might cry tears of joy or something else.

For now, we’ll stick with Sparks’ books, popcorn, and ice cream instead of his strange chicken salad recipe!

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