Is Green Tea Healthier Than Black Tea? Here’s What The Science Reveals

Green and black teas are very popular types of tea around the world. They come from the same plant, but are made differently. Green tea is known for its health benefits, while black tea is more common in the United States. But is one healthier than the other?

Let’s explore the differences between green and black tea and their respective health benefits, according to research.

The Sources and Methods: Comparing Black and Green Tea

Although Camellia sinensis is the plant from which both green and black tea are derived, their various processing techniques drastically alter each tea’s taste, color, and nutritional value.

  • Black Tea: After the leaves are picked, they undergo complete oxidation or fermentation to yield black tea. The leaves’ oxidation results from the dark color and powerful flavor of black tea. Green tea catechins, an antioxidant, undergo this oxidation process to become complex theaflavins and thearubigins, which have unique tastes and a few health advantages.
  • Green Tea: However, to keep the catechins in green tea leaves and prevent them from spoiling, they are quickly heated after being picked. Because it doesn’t oxidize, green tea has a lighter taste & usually has more antioxidants like EGCG.

The Nutrient Profiles: What Is The Difference?

When drunk without milk or sugar, both black and green tea have the same amount of caffeine and no calories, but because of how they are processed, they have distinct kinds of antioxidants.

  • Black tea is good for you because it has strong antioxidants that can help protect your heart.
  • Green Tea: Well-researched for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, the catechin EGCG is the star of green tea. Green tea has more vitamins in much smaller amounts than black tea (including several B vitamins, vitamin E, and folate).

Benefits to Health: What Does Research Say?

Benefits of Black Tea

  • Heart Health: Drinking black tea can help improve the health of your heart. The substances in black tea could lower blood pressure and cholesterol. A study from 2015 found that drinking three or more cups of black tea a day could reduce the risk of stroke by 21%.
  • Studies on black tea and weight loss are not as common as those on green tea. Some research suggests that the substances in black tea may help burn fat. Black tea, like green tea, may also help increase metabolism and burn fat.
  • A study in 2017 found that drinking black tea, especially after meals, might help reduce insulin resistance & improve how the body manages blood sugar.
  • Gut Health: New research indicates that the polyphenols in black tea function as prebiotics, encouraging the development of good gut flora. The immune system, metabolism & digestion all depend on healthy gut flora.

Advantages of Green Tea

  • Green tea might help stop cancer from starting by blocking the growth of cancer cells. It could lower the risk of getting certain types of cancer like colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
  • Brain Health: Green tea’s antioxidants, like EGCG, can protect brain cells & reduce the risk of diseases like Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s. Some research suggests that green tea can also improve brain function and slow down aging.
  • Weight Loss: Green tea’s ability to burn fat is widely recognized. A 2009 study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that green tea catechins dramatically lower body weight and waist circumference. Because it can raise metabolism and enhance fat oxidation, it’s also common in weight reduction pills.
  • Green tea is good for your heart, just like black tea. Studies show it can help lower bad cholesterol and improve heart health, reducing the chance of heart disease.

Which One Has More Caffeine to Keep You Awake?

Although black tea typically has more caffeine than green tea, both types of tea contain it. Generally, an 8-ounce cup of black tea has 40–70 mg of caffeine, while an 8-ounce cup of green tea has 20–45 mg. Although tea has less caffeine than coffee, both might give you a slight energy boost without giving you the nervous sensation of drinking coffee.

Antioxidants: Both Teas’ Real Potential

Both black and green teas’ main health advantages stem from their high antioxidant content. Polyphenols, found in both varieties, neutralize free radicals to help the body battle oxidative stress.

  • Green tea: EGCG is a strong antioxidant made mostly of catechins. These help with health by reducing inflammation & protecting cells.
  • While not studied as much as green tea, black tea also has theaflavins and thearubigins, which are strong antioxidants. These antioxidants in black tea can help fight oxidative stress & possibly protect against long-term illnesses.

Which One Should You Select?

So, is black tea not as healthy as green tea? It depends on what you’re looking for in a tea.

  • Green tea could be your top choice for lots of antioxidants, especially catechins like EGCG.
  • If you like strong tea with more caffeine, black tea is a good choice that has health benefits.

Both teas are good for your health. Just pick the one you like and drink it every day.


Green tea and black tea are both good for you. They have antioxidants that can help prevent diseases and promote weight management and heart health. You can choose which tea you prefer based on your taste & how much caffeine you like.

You can be sure that the drink you’re having is good for your health, whether you enjoy black tea in the afternoon or green tea in the morning.

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