Is LMNT Right For You? A Dietitian’s Comprehensive Review

Electrolyte drinks are becoming more popular with athletes, fitness fans, and people who want to stay hydrated. One brand that’s getting a lot of buzz is LMNT. It’s advertised as a powder with lots of sodium and no sugar that helps with hydration. But is it really a good choice for everyone, like the ads say?

This article dives into LMNT’s nutritional profile, health benefits, potential risks, and who it’s best suited for. Read on for a detailed dietitian’s review of this electrolyte drink and discover if LMNT is right for you.

What Is LMNT? Overview and Ingredients

LMNT is a drink mix with lots of salt and no added sugars or fake stuff. It’s marketed primarily to athletes, heavy sweaters, and those following low-sodium diets who may need an electrolyte boost.

Here’s what you’ll find in each packet of LMNT:

  • Sodium (Salt): 1,000 mg (43% of the daily value)
  • Magnesium: 60 mg (15% of the daily value)
  • Potassium: 200 mg (4% of the daily value)

These three electrolytes are essential for maintaining fluid balance, muscle function & overall hydration.

Depending on the flavor, you may also find ingredients like:

  • Citric acid
  • Malic acid
  • Natural flavors
  • Stevia (for sweetness)

Each packet has between 5 – 10 calories, making it a good option for people who are monitoring their calorie intake.

How Does LMNT Compare to Other Electrolyte Drinks?

One thing that makes LMNT different from other electrolyte powders is that it has a lot of sodium. Most electrolyte drinks have between 50 and 500 milligrams of sodium per serving, but LMNT has 1,000 milligrams per packet. This can be really helpful for people who sweat a lot & lose a lot of sodium, like athletes or people in hot places.

The potassium (200 mg) and magnesium (60 mg) levels in LMNT are comparable to those of other electrolyte powders on the market. These electrolytes play essential roles in muscle function, nerve signaling, and hydration, but they are not in excessive amounts in LMNT.

The Science Behind LMNT: Why So Much Sodium?

LMNT’s high sodium content is based on recent scientific studies suggesting that many people—especially athletes—may benefit from higher sodium intake.

Current government guidelines recommend limiting sodium to 2,300 milligrams per day, but some research suggests that optimal health could be achieved with sodium levels closer to 3,000 to 6,000 milligrams per day.

For example, a January 2024 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition found that consuming around 3,000 milligrams of sodium daily may be ideal for overall health without increasing the risk of heart failure. This aligns with LMNT’s philosophy of providing more sodium than typical electrolyte drinks.

But it’s important to remember that the amount of sodium you need depends on things like how active you are, how much you sweat, and any health issues you have. LMNT might be helpful for some people, but it might not be needed or safe for everyone.

Health Benefits of LMNT

LMNT can help improve health by providing sodium & electrolytes. Some reasons people might choose LMNT include its benefits for those who need more of these nutrients:

1. Improved Hydration

Electrolytes, including sodium, potassium & magnesium, are crucial for proper hydration. Sodium, in particular, helps regulate fluid balance by drawing water into cells and tissues.

If you lose a lot of sodium through sweat or consume a low-sodium diet, drinking LMNT can help you stay hydrated, reduce muscle cramps, and prevent fatigue.

2. No Added Sugars

Many electrolyte drinks contain added sugars to enhance flavor. While sugar can be beneficial for energy during intense workouts, consuming too much-added sugar can increase the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes & non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

LMNT, however, contains no added sugars and is sweetened with stevia, a natural, calorie-free sweetener. Thus, it offers a clean, sugar-free hydration option for those avoiding added sugars.

3. Increased Energy for Workouts

Electrolytes are essential for muscle function & energy production, especially during exercise. Drinking LMNT before and after workouts can help improve endurance, delay fatigue, and maintain steady energy levels, particularly for athletes engaging in long-duration or high-intensity activities.

4. Supports Muscle Recovery

Magnesium in LMNT helps muscles recover after working out by stopping cramps, lowering swelling & assisting with energy use. Combined with sodium and potassium, it helps maintain muscle function and fluid balance during and after physical activity.

Potential Drawbacks of LMNT

While LMNT may benefit some, there are potential drawbacks, particularly for those who do not need extra sodium.

1. Risk of Excess Sodium

If you eat a lot of salt already, adding LMNT could give you even more salt. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, hurt your kidneys, and other bad health problems, especially if you’re not sweating enough to balance it out.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults keep sodium intake below 1,500 milligrams daily to reduce heart disease risk. For those who already consume a lot of processed, sodium-rich foods, LMNT may do more harm than good.

2. Potential Increase in Blood Pressure

Drinking LMNT could make blood pressure go up for people who are sensitive to salt. Salt brings more water into the blood, which can raise blood volume and pressure in the arteries. This is especially worrying for people with high blood pressure or a family history of heart problems.

While not everyone will experience a rise in blood pressure from sodium, those at risk should monitor their intake carefully if using LMNT.

Who Should Use LMNT?

LMNT is an excellent option for certain groups of people, particularly those with increased sodium needs due to lifestyle or environmental factors. You may benefit from LMNT if:

  • You live in a hot climate and sweat heavily
  • If you play sports or do a lot of exercise
  • You follow a low-sodium, whole-food diet
  • You are recovering from an illness that causes fluid loss (such as vomiting or diarrhea)

Who Should Avoid LMNT?

LMNT may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who do not need additional sodium in their diet. You should avoid LMNT if:

  • You already consume a high-sodium diet
  • You are physically inactive
  • Do you have high blood pressure or are sensitive to salt
  • You do not sweat much or live in a cool climate


LMNT is a good way to stay hydrated and healthy, especially for athletes, people who sweat a lot, and those on low-salt diets. It has a good mix of minerals in it and no extra sugars or artificial ingredients, so it’s a good option for many people.

However, LMNT’s high sodium content may not be necessary—or safe—for everyone. If you already consume plenty of sodium or have health conditions like high blood pressure, It’s a good idea to talk to a doctor before adding LMNT to your diet.

In the end, LMNT can help with your hydration routine if it’s a good fit for you, but it’s not right for everyone. Consider your health and how much sodium you need before deciding if it’s right for you.

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