New Study Reveals The Unhealthiest Fast Food Chains—And The Results Are Surprising

Fast food has long been scrutinized for its impact on health. For many, names like McDonald’s and Burger King have become synonymous with unhealthy eating. However, a new study by Plushcare turns those assumptions upside down. The study analyzed fast food menus from 24 major chains, measuring the nutritional content of popular items based on calories, sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.

The results challenge traditional perceptions, suggesting that Five Guys and Popeye’s might be among the worst offenders, while McDonald’s emerges as one of the less unhealthy options.

How Was The Study Conducted?

To assess the unhealthiness of fast food offerings, Plushcare examined five menu items from each of the 24 chains. The analysis utilized the U.K. Department of Health’s Nutrient Profiling Method—a system designed to rank food based on its nutritional content. The categories analyzed include calories, saturated fat, sugar, and sodium—factors closely tied to major health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

While McDonald’s has long been a target for criticism regarding unhealthy food, it surprisingly scored among the least unhealthy of the fast food giants. In contrast, Five Guys and Popeye’s emerged as the chains serving some of the most nutritionally concerning items.

Five Guys Tops The List Of Unhealthy Fast Food

While Five Guys is well-known for its delicious, mouth-watering burgers and fries, the study reveals the chain might be dishing up more than just flavor. According to the analysis, Five Guys’ cheeseburger has 73% more saturated fat than cheeseburgers at other fast food chains.

The burger’s high-fat content, combined with a generous portion size, makes it one of the most unhealthy menu items in the study. In fact, Five Guys had the highest unhealthiness scores overall for both its cheeseburger and fries.

Comparatively, McDonald’s and Burger King scored the lowest in unhealthiness for their cheeseburgers, making them relatively healthier options.

Popeye’s Fried Chicken Sandwich—A Major Offender

While Five Guys’ burgers and fries take the top spot, Popeye’s also fared poorly. Known for its crispy, flavorful fried chicken, Popeye’s chicken sandwich and nuggets were rated the most unhealthy chicken items on the list. This is largely due to high levels of saturated fat and sodium, which elevate the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Interestingly, McDonald’s performed far better in this category, landing at the bottom of the list for its chicken options. This might come as a surprise to many, as McDonald’s is often the poster child for unhealthy fast food.

Fatburger And Shakes: A Sugary Nightmare

When it comes to vanilla shakes, Fatburger was deemed the most unhealthy choice. The chain’s shake was found to have an astonishing 30 grams of saturated fat and 86 grams of added sugar, earning it one of the highest scores in the study. In comparison, McDonald’s shakes were much lower in both fat and sugar content, making them the less unhealthy option for those with a sweet tooth.

What Does This Mean For Fast Food Lovers?

The study offers some interesting takeaways for anyone who regularly enjoys fast food. It shows that while some chains may have a reputation for unhealthy eating, their offerings aren’t necessarily the worst offenders.

Meanwhile, chains like Five Guys and Popeye’s, which are often praised for their flavorful, high-quality offerings, might actually be dishing out the most unhealthy meals.

Should You Be Concerned About Serving Size?

One important thing to note is that the study did not adjust for serving size. Larger portions naturally contain more calories and fat, which could skew the results in favor of chains that serve smaller portions. For example, Five Guys’ cheeseburgers are significantly larger than those at McDonald’s, which may account for some of the difference in nutritional content.

However, even when factoring in portion size, the saturated fat and sodium levels in some of these foods remain a concern. Whether you’re grabbing a quick burger or indulging in a milkshake, it’s clear that not all fast food is created equal.


While fast food is generally considered unhealthy, this study sheds light on which chains might actually be worse for your health. While Five Guys and Popeye’s were found to have the most nutritionally concerning menu items, McDonald’s emerges as a less unhealthy choice.

Whether you’re grabbing a burger or indulging in a shake, knowing the nutritional content of your favorite fast foods can help you make more informed decisions.


1. Why Is Five Guys Considered One Of The Unhealthiest Fast Food Chains?

The study found that Five Guys’ cheeseburgers contain 73% more saturated fat than other fast food chains, and its fries have some of the highest levels of sodium and fat.

2. Is Mcdonald’s Really One Of The Healthiest Fast Food Chains?

Surprisingly, McDonald’s ranked as one of the least unhealthy in several categories, especially for cheeseburgers and chicken items.

3. How Does Popeye’s Rank Compared To Other Chains?

Popeye’s scored high on the unhealthiness scale, particularly for its fried chicken sandwich and nuggets, due to high levels of saturated fat and sodium.

4. What Is The Unhealthiest Milkshake On The List?

Fatburger’s vanilla shake was deemed the most unhealthy, containing 30 grams of saturated fat and 86 grams of sugar.

5. Did The Study Take Portion Size Into Account?

The study did not adjust for portion size, which means the results could be skewed in favor of chains offering smaller servings.

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